Fresh summer salad with Dijon dressing | vegan

It's been rather hot here in Helsinki, so I thought fresh salad would be the best lunch for a hot day. In general, I think salad is such a great lunch option. It's so colourful, you can switch up the ingredients, you can choose a different dressing... There's so many ways to experiment with it and find what you like. I know that I love to put at least one sweet fruit to the mix of veggies. It makes a huge difference. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can serve it in a pineapple ;) Otherwise, regular bowls work too.

Note: I didn't write exact amounts of all the veggies in the salad, because this is just one salad idea and you can add as much of your favourite ingredients as you want. Mainly, I wanted to share the dijon dressing recipe because it's soooooo good!
Salad ingredients:
Cherry tomatoes
Red onion
Orange paprika
Servings: for 2 big bowls of salad Preparation: 5 min
Dijon dressing ingredients:
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp olive oil
1-2 tsp lemon juice (depending on your taste and sourness of the lemons you're using)
1 tsp white vinegar
2 tsp agave nectar (or honey)
Just mix all the ingredients well, drizzle it over your salad and enjoy!
Bon Appétit!